Welcome to our World Famous bTEAM bLOG!
We wrote our first bLOG in September 2010 and haven’t stopped since.
The content you will read here is exclusively written by us and only us. They are created and inspired as a result of our day-to-day work as Realtors.
Wide ranging and occasionally entertaining, we hope you can find some useful reading here. Have a suggestion for something you’d like to write about? Reach out and we’ll make it happen!
In a market with plenty of inventory and low sales, the asking price becomes more important than ever. This bLOG looks at the real life perils is overpricing...
Posted: 08/11/2023
As we approach another eventful year in Niagara real estate, it's time to take a gander at the latest data. We hope you find it helpful...
Posted: 01/11/2023
Whether you are actively selling or buying or sitting on the sidelines, you may be curious to know what is happening with home prices in Niagara. Well, here is a sample...
Posted: 14/10/2023
There is plenty to talk about these days. Our latest bLOG attempts to make sense of what is going on out there...
Posted: 03/10/2023
Over 20+ years in any business, you will start to see and hear patterns. That is the inspiration of our latest blog...read on and see if any of it sounds familiar!
Posted: 26/09/2023
It's the bread & butter of the Niagara real estate market. Buyers quite often have a home to sell too which raises the age old question...how do we buy when we have something to sell?
Posted: 22/09/2023
Who doesn't like a good contest? First place, second place and whatnot. Gold plated. Platinum Eagle Awards. It's all up for grabs in the real estate industry!
Posted: 01/09/2023
Serving up some bite-sized pieces of data that will satisfy your appetite for real estate market updates.
Posted: 24/08/2023
After doing something for 20+ years, you start to see patterns and repetition. Well, here we are applying that concept to the good ol' fashioned open house.
Posted: 13/08/2023
As our world gets noisier, it is easier and easier to get 'help'. Friends, coworkers, strangers in a Reddit comment section are all available options. Let's talk about it....
Posted: 07/08/2023