As the much welcomed Family Day holiday approaches, it’s a great time to pause and reflect on the manic nature of the world we live in.
24/7 new headlines that are overloaded on the negative. Uncertainty with a general rumbling of stress. Phones buzzing and pinging, kids lunches to make and pouring rain in February all goes into the pot.
Along comes a holiday Monday.
Not just a discretionary holiday but the much loved statutory holiday. Statutory meaning we are all in this together. Since we are all in this statutoriatastic holiday together, what if we all chose calm for that special day.
We stop posting Trump’isms to facebook. In fact, we stop posting in general. We press pause, put on our boots and get outside to take in some oxygen and perspective.
The screens will tell us that the world is a scary place. That everything is generally wrong and tough and the uphill battle is more uphill than ever.
What if this holiday Monday, we parked our phones and went out on a search for calm and tranquility. Deeeeeeep breaths. Look up and around. Meet with friends for coffee or brunch.
Seek calm…
And for the record, the idea of locking my phone away in my trunk is terrifying. But the fact that is terrifying is equally terrifying. It’s a digital terrifying sandwich!
Now, get the kids or your parents or some friends or your dog and get out there and take it all in. Where to go?
- Waterfront Trail
- Bruce Trail
- Canal path
- Stroll through downtown
- Queen Street NOTL
- Walkers Creek Trail
- St. John’s Conservation Area
- Short Hills Provincial Park
- Woodend Conservation Area
There are countless places to explore across Niagara.
Let us know what you would share! Contact us by email, text, phone, fax, smoke signal or otherwise.
Thank-you for visiting.
Photo credit belongs to Ian Keefe